I described my steps in painting the land yesterday. Today I tackle the sky. BallyHamage Shower steps cont’d:
4. I needed to consider the perspective created by the clouds. I started with the clouds just over the mountains. I dampened the paper just above the mountains with water and then made several tiny clouds nearest the mountains and a few slightly larger ones just above those. I let this dry.
5. Next I worked on the middle distance clouds which were primarily on the left in my value study. Again, I dampened from the mountains through the middle distance area and dropped in blue/violet, both transparent and opaque, to give the clouds some body. I also sprayed the paint and allowed it to “rain”.
6. Finally, I wet the entire sky area and worked on the clouds nearest to me. I used slightly warmer color to bring them forward in addition to increasing their size. I let the clouds dip slightly towards the horizon to show their recession. I let it “rain” again in places by spraying and angling the board while it ran.
I will live with this painting for a few days and consider any changes. I’m mulling over the trees in the bottom left – they need to be simplified. Other than that I’m liking the feel of this one. Cheers!