Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sheep River Rock Face [14”x11” acrylic]

Sheep river rock facer2

Sheep River Falls, near Turner Valley, Alberta, is a gorgeous place to spend an afternoon.  The parking is very close to the falls and a short hike takes you to a viewpoint overlooking the falls.  Across the gorge is an almost vertical rock wall and I’ve tried to capture that here.   

I painted this from a photo I took last summer.  In those lighting conditions the rocks are pink and grey with lots of lichen and some moss patches.  I found those a challenge to paint and this is much simplified from reality. 

It would be lovely to get out and try painting this en plein air.  This summer I’ve been painting in my studio and taking it easy on my sore back.  I’m anxious to get outside and I’ve considered taking out a feather light setup:  pencil, sharpie, a few pencil crayons and a pad of paper.   Soon I hope.

Happy Independence Day to all my state-side friends!!!! 

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