Lindsey and I set up this still life and spent a lovely hour or two playing with our paints last Saturday at her house in East Coulee. It’s such a relaxing place and I love to visit Caracol Studio and admire Janet Grabner’s pottery. Sorry, no website to link to for her but look her up if you’re out to the Drumheller area. Such a fun place to shop and chat!
This blog documents my creative journey with watercolor, mixed media, & oil painting. I'm enjoying myself immensely and hope you find something uplifting in my paintings and/or their stories.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Purple Pepper [10”x13”, watercolor & pencils]
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Abstracting with acrylic on baltic birch…
Today I covered up some “duds” with lots of white gesso. What a GREAT feeling ;-) The surfaces looked so clean and inviting and I just mucked about in my paints and doodled creating… this. I have no idea what it’s going to grow up to be or even IF I’ll explore further on it. But, it was sure fun today!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Beseeching [acrylic, 14”x18”] – again
I intended to set this aside today, and then I knew what I needed to change… tomorrow I’m doing something different FOR SURE! The jury is still out on this one… meanwhile, enjoy!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Beseeching [acrylic, 14”x18”]
I’ve been puttering at this one again today and, although I think there is more to do, I’m going to set it up on the shelf again for a while until I figure out what. I think the title “Beseeching” suits it well… Cheers!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Acrylic Start…. sloooowly moving along
I last posted about this painting back in May and I’ve been looking at it once or twice per week since then. Yesterday, realizing that I would never resolve it without making at least a small change, I charged in. There’s lots to do still, things to fix and add, but I think it is finally taking a new shape and direction. Stay tuned, someday I may finish this one, haha!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Hollyhocks x3
Three very different versions of the pink hollyhock… from left to right – Sally’s, Lindsey’s, and mine. These were painted on Thursday afternoon when we still had summer here. They even look like summer don’t they? Enjoy!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Delicious [watercolor, 7.5”x11”]
I painted this yesterday while sitting on my friend Lindsey’s back deck. It was a great day to paint outside – just the right temperature [22 C] and NO bugs! These apples were an amazing purplish red color with little bits of green. Nice to look at but tough to sort out on the palette. The reflections in the white plate were fascinating… the combined result of the blue sky overhead, the purplish apple color, and the silver teapot sitting in the background. Enjoy!