Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Still Standing II (6"x6")

It seems that both my dd Kim and sil Stephanie each left a bit of her heart on the West Coast of the West Coast. So, to keep the family peace, I agreed to paint another little scraggly tree as viewed from Pacific Rim National Park. Kim gets to pick which she wants.... She was, as she pointed out, with me when we spotted this tree. The other I will mail to Stephanie in Wausau, Wisconsin (home of the Woodson Art Museum).
Here's my second try at the little twisted pine. This time I toned down the sky by using warm ultramarine blue instead of cool pthalo blue. The tree has just a bit less foliage and I like that. However, my first attempt is, in my opinion, wilder and reflects the mood I was in when I painted it (see July 23rd post). Six of one, half dozen of the other.... Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl, Thanks for your kind comment of my snorkle painting on my blog.I appreciate you taking time to visit. I really like your watercolors. The sky in this painting is beautiful. It looks like you have some gorgeous scenery to paint! Regards, Nancy Rhodes Harper
